Effective Solutions

We work with your company to identify position requirements, implement recruitment programs, and
initiate employee assessments that maximize recruitment efforts



With a population of more than 7 billion around the world and about 9 million in the UAE, we aim at covering a wide range of respondents specific to the survey by choosing the right research.

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Face to face

Most of our field-forces are either CAPI enabled (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing), using PDA’s for electronic data collection, or both. A face to face interview also helps to decipher expressions.

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Our CATI methods regularly help link together to clients with round-the-clock global coverage. A telephone induced survey helps record conversations and to clarify information then and there.

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Implied Methods

Data Collection

  • Field Audits
  • Accuracy monitoring
  • Questionnaire Design
  • Questionnaire Coding

Interviewing – Method

  • CAWI – Computer assisted Web Interviews
  • Mail Questionnaires / Surveys
  • One-on-One / In-Depth recorded interviews
  • CATI – Computer assisted telephonic interviews
  • CAPI – Computer assisted Personal Interviews

Market Research

  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Hybrid Research – combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques
  • Secondary Research – Desk Research
  • Focus Groups